Littleton Ballet Academy
The 2024-2025 Family Handbook is available on the Family Portal. Please make sure you have read this thoroughly.
We have an open enrollment policy. Students are encouraged to join at the beginning of the school year but may join anytime from August 19th to April 26th for dancers in the Primary, Intermediate, and Pre-Professional Divisions or anytime during the summer. We highly recommend that students study dance year-round to constantly progress and develop. Summer study is mandatory for all returning students who wish to participate in The Nutcracker. In addition, we offer a variety of dance camps along with regular classes in the summer to supplement a young dancer’s development.
The first class is free for all new students. Tuition will be prorated for new students joining after the first week of the month.
All students are required to register for classes online. There is an annual registration fee charged on September 1st.
•$30 individual registration fee
•$45 family registration fee (immediate family only)
School Closures
Littleton Ballet Academy will be closed the following days:
•Monday, July 22nd to Saturday, July 27th, 2024: Summer Break
• Monday, August 12th to Saturday, August 17th: Open House Week (modified class schedule for Ballet 1 and higher)
•Monday, September 2nd, 2024: Labor Day
•Thursday, October 31sth, 2024: Halloween (NO classes 4:00 pm)
• Wednesday, November 27th to Friday, November 29th, 2024: Thanksgiving Break
• Saturday, December 21st, 2024 to Saturday, January 4th, 2025: Winter Break
• Monday, March 24th to Saturday, March 29th 2025: Spring Break
• Monday, May 26th, 2025: Memorial Day
• Friday, July 4th and Saturday, July 5th: Independence Day Observed​
• Monday, July 21st to Saturday, July 26th: Summer Break
Please note: we do not take every major holiday off because so many of them occur on Mondays.
Office Hours
We are available by phone Monday to Friday during the hours of 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 to 7:00 pm
Inclement Weather
The studio will be closed on inclement weather days (i.e. excessive snow) according to the Littleton Public School District (www.littletonpublicschools.net). There will be a recorded message on the LBA school answering machine in case of a school closure so please call the studio at (303) 794-6694. Information will also be posted on the LBA Facebook and Instagram pages and on the front page of the website.
In case of moderate weather despite a Littleton Public School District closure please call the studio and check your email after 12:00 p.m. In case of bad weather on Saturday an email will be sent out to all families no later than 7:30 a.m. regarding class and/or rehearsals that day. Information will also be posted on the LBA Facebook and Instagram pages and on the front page of the website.
Please notify us if you are going to be absent by sending an email to the studio at ballerinalba@gmail.com, through the Band App, calling us at (303) 794-6694, or by logging into the Family Portal and recording absences before the missed class begins. Please remember that students only progress when they are attending classes on a regular basis. To achieve the maximum results of training and proper progression through the syllabus, students are asked to attend all classes and rehearsals to which they are assigned. To minimize absences, parents are urged to take into consideration classes and rehearsals when scheduling their children for appointments and when planning family vacations. If you know of future absences please send us an email. NOTE: Any missed rehearsals MUST be excused in writing by emailing the school at ballerinalba@gmail.com in advance. If the absence is last minute due to illness, please send an email AND call before the rehearsal begins.
Make-up Classes
Please call or email to schedule a make-up class. You may also schedule a make-up class in the Family Portal. Make-ups can be taken in the same level or one level below. In the case of an open division class, these may be made up in another class of the same dance form in a lower level. It is also acceptable to make up ANY class in a ballet or conditioning class of the appropriate level. There are absolutely NO refunds for missed classes for any reason and there are NO credits given or carried over to the next month for unattended classes.
Withdrawal Policies
When joining LBA, all new students (except for students in the Adult Division) are committed to three months of classes (exceptions can be made if the classes are not working out). After that time period, a student may withdraw at any time by notifying us via email at least 10 days before the first of the month. No withdrawals will be accepted if students have made a commitment to a performance. If dancers have made a commitment to Littleton Youth Ballet, dancers have made a commitment until May 24th and no withdrawals will be accepted.